Islands (Meredith Public Library: Second Floor) Capacity: 4

How To Reserve A Room
- Study Rooms and the Media Room must be reserved before use.
- Walk-in reservations are accepted. Reservations may be made up to two weeks in advance.
- Rooms may be reserved via the online system, in person, by email or via telephone.
- Call 603-279-4303 or email:
- Reservations may be made for up to two hours per day. If no one else has reserved the room, the user may keep using it.
When You Arrive At The Library
- Go to the circulation desk to check in.
- Exchange a valuable (such as your keys or a license) for the key to the room.
The Islands Room is located on the second floor of the library. If you use the stairs... Turn right at the the top of the stairs. Go through the door and the study rooms begin on your left. If you use the elevator... Turn slightly towards the left when you exit the elevator. Study rooms begin to the left of the access ramp.
Your Booking